
I Never Thought I'd See the Day...

Wow. Over a month since my last post. Time sure does fly by fast. Quite a lot has happened to me since you've last had your ears aurally scraped by my inane "adventures." I'll give you a hint as to what the biggest change was: look at my banner.

For those especially astute at picking out details, you'll see my bear has traded in his horns for long pointy ears.

Yes, my lone long lost reader, I have gone to the dark side. I am now championing the cause of a teenage heartthrob, rather than a ruthless and tyrannical orange orc.

I had grandiose fears that being Alliance would make me all noodley and weak. That I would be surrounded by annoying children who would discuss how great the Transformers movies are and how hard third grade was. Or, even scarier, that I would become a human sympathizer.

Of course, none of this happened. Alliance really isn't all that different from Horde. Not even culturally. The home cities are different and I am surrounded by way more small people (and even smaller people than that) and humans. The Worgen certainly help to create a familiar atmosphere, as well, with their anthropomorphic design.

Being a Night Elf, I must admit, is pretty rockin'. 2% extra dodge is awesome for a bear, as dodge's stat reach is certainly not as impactful as it once was. Being tall has it's advantage in crossing over from a Tauren; I still find myself bumping my head upon the tops of doorways. But the one thing that I wouldn't trade for the world now? This amazing recreation of one of the finest gifts a human being has ever graced upon the world:

Though don't tell anyone... I will forever feel like a Tauren in my soul.

Until the next Faerie Fire pull...
Love All Animals
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