
Hit Me Baby One More Time

Writing a blog is a lot like exercising: You stop for any period of time and it is damned near impossible to get back into the groove. In addition, I've three posts sitting in the bucket that had gone unfinished. It is customary for me to write up a post, get sidetracked, and then leave said post waiting for a grand finale. I'd like to get these old posts published soon, just for the sake of completion.

I would like to apologize to my readers about the lack of posts, but that would be assuming I had any and that they still exist. I will try harder.

A lot has happened to me in the two months since I last posted here. I found out I would be laid off on June 30, our guild started progressing in Ulduar, and I still haven't gotten Origin of Nightmares. I've had 17 attempts at Grobbulus and still no drop. That's over four months' worth of Naxxramas.

But I digress. I will leave my WoW commentary to a more cohesive and well-designed post. I merely come here today stating I want to be more focused on writing my thoughts here and I intend to do a better job at it.

Until the next Faerie Fire...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back :)

Love All Animals
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