
No Love for the Lushman Part Deux

Remember Half-Baked, the druid bear tank all up in my grill?

He has now moved to tank spot in my guild. Now, he hasn't bumped me out of my position, but, rather, is now growling and mangling right alongside me.

I'm feeling a myriad of emotions right now: angry, scared, and jealous.

I'm angry, because HB seems to have been rewarded for shady behavior. His back-talking me, vindictive comments, and inability to handle his own frustrations in a positive way are all traits I don't think make for a good "team player." I'd have been happier to see him off to another guild.

To make matters worse, I feel HB has been schmoozing the leaders of the guild, manipulating them, really. I have been with my guild since January and HB only since the end of March. I had to sit out on Ulduar and Vault of Archavon last night so that Abbazabba could tank (I got to tank, but let's get to this in one moment). And I wasn't offered any explanation until I whispered an officer, who responded stating that "it's not a reflection of you," but went on to say that I had been tanking "better." What?! The only reason why anyone in the guild thinks I hadn't been tanking well is because HB had been filling them with the idea that I was a poor tank so that he could replace me. ARGH!

So, the GM decided to sit out last night so that I could tank, but only after three bosses were already down in Ulduar and there wasn't much time left to raid. HB wound up tanking XT, died, and then I picked up the boss leading us to victory. I felt awesome about this.

The following are my stats vs. HB's stats. This is going to be tougher than normal, since I am in no way linking his armory. My stats are on the left, his on the right.

1908 vs. 1764

7867 vs. 7004
This is me without Origin of Nightmares, whereas he has it.

Hit Rating
199 vs. 212
Mine is so high, because of Twisted Visage. He carries Origin of Nightmares and has gemmed entirely too much for hit.

40 vs.33

Crit Chance
27.15% vs. 22.64%

31.85% vs. 28.76%

I had originally used my Wowarmory to get the differences between our stats, until I realized I was still in my DPS spec from a boss last night. The stats have been updated and I now see HB had no right painting me in a bad light on account of my way of itemization, gemming, and enchanting.

I am scared, because I feel HB will usurp me as the tank in our guild. He's obviously did something right to get what he wants. Why stop at just coexisting with me?

I am also jealous. I wish I could have made the impression upon my guildmates in such a way that I could so easily get what I want.

My next step to take is a hazy one. I do enjoy running with the guild I run with. We are all very smart, goofy, and are passionate for the game. And, simply put, we get stuff done. I also play this game for fun. The moment that it becomes anything but that, I need to step away. And dealing with this unnecessary drama is not fun.

And since Ulduar came out my social life has been suffering. Weekends have been my only free time, since we raid Monday through Thursday. I know this is terrible, but my love for the game is as such.

So, my three real options are as follows:

* Do nothing.
* Shop for another guild.
* Take a break.

Do nothing is an easy choice, since it requires no action from my part. I simply sit here, continue to do what I am doing, and see how things play out.

Shop for another guild is a tricky one. I'd have to reestablish myself with other people, while turning my back to those I have already befriended. And then my place is not guaranteed in any way with a new guild.

Taking a break seems like such a nice option. No more scheduling my life around this game. I get to see my friends more often. Plus, the weather is getting really nice.

But that also means leaving this game at a time that is the most exciting. Raiding is what gets my blood flowing. I thrive for it. Ulduar is the place to be right now.

Then again, maybe this whole post is a sign that I just may take this game way too seriously.

Until the next Faerie Fire pull...


1 comment:

Dodge said...

I have to admit, I've been a jealous type before; being resentful of everyone who can use the same gear or is the same class and spec, but never have I tried to push someone aside or tried to make someone look bad so I can take their spot.

I don't recommend the "do nothing" approach, because you're just going to be unhappy and feel that there is this "looming" feeling of impending doom. My suggestion would be to talk to the guild leader and officers about it. Obviously he's a bad-egg if he feels that he can't be someone's partner, but need to be "top dog". I've faced people like that before too, and usually I wash my hands of them.

Currently, I am lucky enough to be in a 10 man group that's pretty close-knit and are happy to have me in either a tank or DPS capacity, although we all prefer to have me as a tank. However, sometimes to fill a spot, I must adjust. Maybe that could work for you as well?

However, if it doesn't and you're forced out of a regular raid spot; I say go ahead and shop around. Obviously the group your with wasn't who you thought they were and it's time to move on.

Love All Animals
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