
Leatherworking On Ice

Big Bear Butt stole my topic for today. That or bears are part of a collective conscience.

Well, I lied. The topic is a little more focused. Rather than cover the whole profession mechanic of WoW, I'm going to stay within my realm and focus on something I understand and use: Leatherworking.

Leveling up my LW skill is proving to be particularly troublesome. And not troublesome in a "Catholic priest caught naked with 2 year-old" kind of way. Rather, Blizzard has made it a point to make the last 25 levels of this profession a proverbial bitch. With the right amount of dedication, farming mats is not all that challenging. Time consuming, sure, but everything in this game is designed around being time consuming.

ThinkTank was kind enough to share with us his LW leveling guide. He writes, "At 425 I'd also recommend pimping out yourself and looking for work so that you can get skillups on frosthide leg armor and icescale leg armor with their mats." Here is where the trick lies for me:

I am not a salesman.

Even if I were, I'm sure my skills would surpass simply repeating "Leatherworker LFW."

So, the mats for items around 420 or so get tricky, in that they require elemental items. I've not even made it out of Dragonblight yet (level 77 now, btw)! There's a lot of uncharted land for me in Northrend. Though I am sure I am going about that all wrong, but in clearing one zone before the next I am maximizing my gold acquisition substantially once I hit 80 and then am completely surrounded by high-level quests. I'll write about it when I do it, trust me, but this methodology of leveling isn't conducive to acquiring high level mats.

At this stage, I am looking at getting elemental items either through farming or through cold, hard gold. Since I am intently focused on reaching 80 by 11/20 (I am well on my way), farming is not an option. At least not the variety of "okay, for the next three hours I will perform a mass genocide upon Howling Cyclones." So, cold, hard gold wins here.

But I've been thrifty. Really thrifty. I'll write my thoughts about this later, in an effort to remain on topic. So, here we've got 25 levels where the mats required aren't very prevalent, you need a huge pocketbook or some real time dedication to farming, and you need to sell the Catholic Priest's pants right offa him.

It may be a while before I see 450.

Until the next Faerie Fire Pull...


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